Friday, May 30, 2008

End of another school year!

Lily & her teacher:

Today is the last day of school for my girls, and I realized that in only 30 minutes, Lily will no longer be in preschool! I know I'm probably going to cry when I pick her up and we have to say goodbye to her teacher and the aides in her room. She will be going to a new elementary school for kindergarten next year. She has had a great year and we all really love her teacher. I'm nervous about her going to kindergarten. But, we had our big meeting with all the school personnel a couple of weeks ago and she will have lots of support next year. She's going to have her reg. ed. kindergarten teacher, her resource teacher, an OT, Speech Therapist, and they are also going to put an aide in her classroom. I know it's going to be quite an adjustment for her, but I know the school staff will help her to have a positive experience.

I also can't believe that in just a few hours, Natalie will be finished with the 5th grade!!! Where did the time go? It seems like she just finished kindergarten! Next year will be her last year before middle school. That makes me feel really old! She always does well in school, though and I know she's going to do great next year too.

We are going to have such a busy summer! We should be moving into our new house by the first part of July. I have lots of packing to do in the next few weeks. I started packing a couple of weeks ago. But, I don't feel like I've made much headway yet. I'm dreading the actual move, but we can't wait to actually live in our new home! There's even a pool just a few houses down, so we can spend lots of time swimming this summer. With the scorching Texas temps, we're really going to need that pool!

**As requested, I have created a section of "Lilyisms". It's on the right side of the screen under the pictures of the girls**


Laurie said...

those comment lily make are adorable! i had heard all of them except the sunday school teacher one. that is crazy how grown up your girls are getting. the other day i thought lily was 4 and natalie corrected me and said she was 5. time flies by so fast! i hope that once yall get settled in your new house we will be able to visit.

Alisa said...

Thanks for the Lilyisms! I am going to be reading those when I need to smile! I wish you well on the packing...I hate packing! We have moved 4 times since being married and I think that is 4 times too many!!!

Alisa said...

Thanks for the compliment on the blog...yours is cute, too. I found it on this cool blog, the link is on mine (Cutest Blogs). If you see one on there you like, I can walk you through it! She has some really cute ones on there!

Presley family said...

I love the Lilysims. That is just to fun! I will have to start doing the same thing!! It is amazing how much joy they can bring by doing the smallest things!!
My brother is getting married out in Austin... well actually new brawnfells (sp??) ... how far away are you???

Presley family said...

It wont be until the begining of next year.. yes, I know I am thinking way ahead!! We will most likely drive since Collin has such a hard time on the plane... depending on how he is doing it might end up just being Regan and I flying out there... we will see! I am so happy that you are so close!!

Laurie said...

thanks so much for taking the time and talking to me today! i dont know what i would do without you!