Saturday, May 17, 2008

New pictures of the house


Alisa said...

It is looking more and more like a house!! I am sure y'all are getting so anxious! I think you should start posting "Lilyisms" for us. I don't know if you ever get around to writing them down, so I thought maybe you should take a second each day that she says something, and share it with us! That way, we can enjoy it, and you have a record of it, too! I love the "aisle 15" story, and the one about throwing a fit!

Amy said...

Yes, it's really coming along fast! I was thinking about "lilyisms" the other day and how I really should write them down. I used to and I've gotten out of the habit. I'll try to do better with that in the future.

Aunt Kim said...

Love the pics of the house. With Alisa talking about the "Lilyisms"..that reminded me of other day when I was talking to Rachael, and she was telling me about Lily and "insulation"...I thought that was cute.......You really do need to "share" them with us, since we are sooooo far away....sending our love....

Presley family said...

OH how fun!! Ok, we will be crashing with you when we come out to Texas!!! wink!!! BIG HUGS!

Amy said...

Sounds great, Julie! We would love to have your family come visit us!