Friday, September 5, 2008

Busy couple of weeks..

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy around here! First, the new school year started. Natalie and Lily seem to be enjoying their new school year so far. Lily loves her teacher and the para that works with her. We have been blessed that Natalie and Lily have always had great teachers working with them. Natalie is enjoying being the big kid on campus. She's in 6th grade this year, so this is her last year on the intermediate campus. She even got to choose her own locker this year! She picked a top one, of course. Last year she had a bottom locker and things kept getting dropped on her head. Remember those days? She wasn't thrilled about having to "dress-out" in PE this year. But now that she's done it a couple of times, I think she's getting accustomed to it. Lily is in kindergarten this year! She did great the first week! She says she likes kindergarten. Unfortunately, this week she has been sick. She came home with a high temp. Tuesday afternoon and wasn't able to go back to school for the rest of this week. Her temp is finally down today, so hopefully she's on the mend. Earlier this week, several members of my family (my mom, dad, grandpa, brother, sister, and brother-in-law) all evacuated to our house because of Hurricane Gustav. Thankfully, southeast Texas was spared. They're all back home now. I'm so glad that we were able to provide a place for them to evacuate to. We had lots of fun while they were here. We had air mattresses everywhere at night, but I don't think anyone was too uncomfortable. We really hated to see them go, but life goes on. Here are some pics of the first day of school:


Mary said...

Glad to hear your family is all safe and no damage was done from hurricane.

I can't believe Natalie is in 6th grade, wow. Let the fun Tween times begin, lol.

Alisa said...

They look so cute all ready for school! Give them my love and tell Lily to get better soon!

Klevrkris said...

Hi Amy. Alisa said we should talk. I have an austistic son I included in my comment about preschool on Happymommas. He's in Kindergarten this year too. I started a blog when I found out I was pregnant with number 5 in the same month Westley was diagnosed. I still cry sometimes. I feel blessed and complimented that my Heavenly Father trusts me with such special spirits. It is overwhelming to be strong through all of it. I knew for a long time he needed to be tested. It took three school districts/moves to find the right system to help us. His autism is mild but his SPD (sensory issues) are moderate. The combination makes for a very unique and "quirky" kid. He's a happy child and doesn't seem to realize he's different yet. Being in Kindergarten and a much bigger school has me concerned. How long until the other kids make life very hard for him? My pregnancy and the hormones that come with it have me in a panic sometimes with worries. I have accepted the diagnosis and am grateful for the helps we have in our community. I think sometimes I haven't quite digested it all. Perhaps that's when the tears will stop. Your family is beautiful. I enjoy your blog. Feel free to read mine. I'm new to it so it may be a bit disorganized. The chronicle of my pregnancy and the diagnosis process for Westley are the early ones. Somehow it's easier to share the heartache with someone who's been through it too.