Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Natalie's limo ride

I just sent Natalie off to school in a limo!!! She earned enough Accelerated Reading points (AR) to qualify for a limo ride to the school librarian's house! Once they get to the librarian's house, she and the other other 5th graders that qualified, get to eat donuts, watch two movies, and go out for pizza for lunch. She has worked so hard this year to meet her goal of 400 points. She exceeded that goal by earning 439 points! In order to earn points, students must read books and take tests on each book. Each book is worth a certain number of points if they make a 90 or 100 on the test. She also was in the top twenty AR readers at the school, so she has also earned lunch with the other top readers at the Outback Steakhouse next Monday during their school lunch time. We are so proud of her! I tried to take a picture of her standing by the limo, but unfortunately the battery on my camera died on me right as I was about to press the button. The librarian took a picture though, and she's supposed to send me a copy. Natalie was so excited this morning to see that limo pull up to our house! I know she's going to have so much fun today!


Alisa said...

Congratulations Natalie!! That sounds like so much fun! I don't think that I have ever ridden in a limo! Be sure and post the picture as soon as the librarian sends it to you! (That battery thing would be my luck!) Hope to see y'all again soon!

Aunt Kim said...

Way to go Natalie.....we are so proud of you. Can't wait to see the pic of you with the limo.......sending love and hugs to all!!!!!!!