Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lily: Queen of the day!

Today Lily was chosen to be the "Queen of the day" in her kindergarten class. She got to wear a beautiful crown and have a book written about her. She and her classmates even drew pictures of her to put in the book. Lily did an excellent job drawing her picture and writing her name!


Laurie said...

lily is so cute!! i bet she loved being queen of the day. she did a really awesome job on the drawing. im glad shes beginning to adjust. and you can tell lily that aaron said her picture and her name was cool!

Alisa said...

So sweet!!

Aunt Kim said...

I'm so proud of you Lily.....I can't wait to tell Uncle Tom about it. He will be just as excited as I was to see it. You did an awesome job on your picture. Sending lots of hugs and love to you, Natalie, Mom, and Dad!!!!!!

S. Gibson said...

Queen of the day, what a great idea. She is writing her name really well! Way to go Lily!