Sunday, September 21, 2008

All is quiet

Well, the last of our "evacuees" just went home. It seems strangely quiet now. I'm glad that we were able to provide a place for them to stay during the storm and until their electrical power and water were restored. But, I know that they were all glad to be able to return to their own homes. My parents house sustained pretty significant damage, so it will be a while before things return to normal for them. Their roof was stripped down to the ply wood in several places, so they have lots of water damage inside. Alisa and Michael's house had some damage to the outside walls, but not much water inside. My grandfather's house had some water blown in, so he will probably be getting new carpet. Aunt Shirley and Uncle Paul lost some shingles, but they aren't sure about the inside of their house yet. I guess they will find out tonight when they get home. It's amazing the destruction that a hurricane can cause. It's so sad to look at the pictures of my parents home and the surrounding land and seeing all the trees broken and shingles littering the ground. It's horrible to think of the people in Galveston and Bolivar who didn't survive the storm. I'm sure there were many who were swept out into the Gulf and will never be found. We were very blessed here in College Station. The hurricane shifted just a bit before it made landfall, so we had tropical storm winds here instead of the forecasted hurricane winds. We didn't have any damage at our home and didn't lose power at all. I'll be glad when hurricane season is over.


Aunt Kim said...

Thanks Amy for the update. I was just reading Alisa's blog also. I read in hers that Natalie has been sick. Hopefully she is feeling better. I'm sure that is really quiet around there now. LOL.....
Give the girls and Coult my love.....sending bunches of hugs and love to all.......

Michael Vasquez said...

We just got a message from FEMA that says we qualify for hotel assistance, so we may be back out on the road again. We will probably go to Austin, but we could split it up in College Station, too. I just don't know how the kids will make it in a hotel. We shall see. Thanks again for everything...and esp the front row seat to the great "drama" we saw! lol (Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that.)

Presley family said...

I am so glad that everyone was able to go home. My dad just went back to his house in houston. He has been staying at his house in Dallas. He had to take a generator with him becuase there still isn't any power. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers! BIG HUGS!!!!

Laurie said...

hey Natalie! thanks for the comment. i cant wait to have the baby either! you will have to come visit often. so what are you making for it....or is it a secret? hope school is going good! love you!!

Laurie said...